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COP derringer


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It's a cool looking gun, I'll be glad to provide some information I found.


I've seen this one pop up as a prop in a few movies. Bellucci used it in the Matrix to off some henchman, Leon had one in Blade Runner, and even popped up briefly in Stargate. There are a number of reasons behind that mostly related to filming.

First off, this gun is made locally in California so there may have been some deal where movie studios bought strait from the factory, secondly since it's chambered in .357 magnum (and therefore also .38) it doesn't need special .25acp or other mousegun blanks. It was also popular because of the way it looked and worked. It has four barrels and four separate internal firing pins. Because of this and due to it firing more powerful blanks than most handguns it's size it could produce a ferocious muzzle blast. In Blade Runner they even modified it to shoot two barrels at a time (which by the way is illegal since that technically makes it a machine gun).

It largely gets used as a more scary-looking and louder mousegun in the hands of detectives, background characters and especially women (because we all know, if stereotypes are to be believed that no woman can handle any gun bigger than her fist /sarcasm).

But for a number of reasons outside Hollywood and various collector markets this gun was a dismal failure. In general single-shot derringers have to be really lightweight in order to sell. Any heavier than a couple ounces and it better have a revolving cylinder or a box magazine. The COP was surprisingly heavy and it needed to be since it had 4 barrels that needed to be tough enough to withstand magnum loads. This made carrying it a pain in the ass. It was also notable for having an immense trigger pull. Since it had 4 firing pins and a weird striker mechanism the trigger pull was actually stiffer than that of most full-size revolvers and with the little grip you have on such a small gun putting that much pull on that trigger takes a *censored*ing hand of legendary strength. Likewise with the recoil. Typically mouseguns in magnum calibers tend to kick quite a bit because the gun firing the bullet is so small. It somewhat defeats the purpose too since the barrel is so short it won't pack that much muzzle velocity. So it's really all quite a waste of good .357 ammo although thankfully it can also fire .38 special.

So because of it's many inherent flaws the COP (Cop Off-duty Pistol) derringer failed to generate many sales and COP Inc. failed soon after. Very few exist to this day that aren't in the hands of collectors. Examples typically sell for around 600$-800$ which is quite a bit for such a small gun. And it's not really useful for anything other than gathering dust in a display case.

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short range, I would probably use something like this like I would a shot gun. According to Naboen's, post, it can be modified to fire off two barrels at once. Imagine the streangh of four magnum shots at once at point blank. I am all for someone making one of these.
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i would be happy to model one of these (actually i had started on one about 2 months ago after the battlestar finale (its used in the show), but dropped it to focus on other projects)

but someone else would have to texture it and put it in game because the time i get to use photoshop and the geck is minimal and i have other obligations to see through :)

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cool, heres where im at. let me know if anything seems off.


Holty are you able to texture it, or should we find someone to do that aswell?


this is only my second gun and the first one isnt even in game yet, so im not toally sure how things need to be seperate. but as it stands the 4 parts are the body, the barrel, the trigger, and the bullets (which im guessing we would need for the reload animation)



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