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Concerning Broken Steel


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First this is not me requesting people to make the Broken Steel DLC assets availible, this is a request for a fix to a type of crash. This fix would obviously still need you to own the Broken Steel DLC for it to work.



Now on to my request:


As some people have no doubt discovered some mods for whatever reason will prevent you from being able to progress into the Broken Steel DLC quests after activating the Project Purtity purifier.


Problems that can occur include:

1. Crashing right after the "ending" movie.

2. Rolling to credits and then main menu, rather than progressing into the DLC content.

3. Finding yourself still at the Purifier after the fade out but unable to move.


The reason it happens is because the scene is being broken by something (a mod) that is loaded after the DLC. Identifying the culprit or culprits can be a problem if you have allot of mods, especially if it is more than one mod causing the same issue.


There is a solution to these issues: An esp being loaded at the end of your mod load order that contains the items from the Broken Steel DLC (ie Script, activators whatever) that make you progress to DLC content (ie so you get to wake up to Elder Lyons ugly face...). This fix esp mod would overrule the culprit mod/s (because it's loaded last).


Problem is I have honestly no idea what from the DLC has to be included in this fix esp. I know it does work, because I turned the whole Broken Steel DLC into an ESP, and despite some problems (crash on save*, NPCs not making sound or moving lips etc) it did allow me to progress to the 2 weeks later bit (though not being able to save screwed that right up).


So I'm requesting someone who has the know how and modder smarts to make this fix mod.




*= Caused most likely by the same 1.5 bug that causes modder's esps to cause you to crash on save.

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