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RESET face?


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A mod I'm installing says to reset your character's face. How to do this? There is no button in the character customization screen that says reset face, and no console command that I can find...



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The mods name would be helpful, but...

If you are going for a race/character change then maybe

what it means is that you need to enter console and type

- showracemenu - this will allow you to change your face to

the new race. When you finish do not click on - done - save and



I have not used KT's custom race fix, but if you are then it may have to

do with how that functions.


EDIT: Did a re-read. If you are still in the character creation then there should be no

need to reset as you are starting a new game. Just choose the race from the mod in


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nvm I found it - reset face


I'm installing Chocolate Elves and i don't have to add the Custom Race Fix. It must be already installed with a CM partner mod or something because it works (the prisoner across the hall says "such a rare species" or something like that.


but yea, no need to reset...



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