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Need some help with a few mods...


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juts recently my dad rebooted my PC so i had to start over everything, again. and i encountered some problems which didn't happen before my PC got rebooted :

1. MCM and Project Nevada doesn't work together, i don't know your cases but i installed both mod before and nothing went wrong, even when some files were overwritten, but now, installing either one of them, overwriting the other causes the other one to stop working. In my case, installing PN causes MCM to disappear, the huds are still there, vice versa, installing MCM causes an error about HUD extension being missing, also the inventory sorter didn't work


it's exactly what it says, the mod allows you to play as a robot, adding a pair of robot gloves along with a robot head, all are quest-marked items, like others, it worked before, now i can still play as a robot, just can't choose any of the robot's perks, traits, the gloves and head don't show up in my inventory

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