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New Alternative start option.


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A Skyrim alternative start mod, but instead of just spawning in a cave or something, the game begins as normal:

The cloping of horse hooves, "Hey You, You're finally awake", ect. It's exactly the same, until you exit the carriage. When you exit the cart, he still says "Who are you?" But Instead of being put in the character select screen, and getting a race dependant dialogue clip, he instead simply says "I see", after a brief pause, and the intro continues as normal, until the beheading.


Unlike the normal intro, as the dragon lands on the tower, the headsman swings his blade, and severs your head*, and the game cuts to your real character, who will later learn of the events in Helgan.


As for the actual Alternative options, and the character creator, it would be likely be after that. Like, maybe after the loading screen, you're in a dark void, and a dialogue box pops up saying something liike "But that is not your story. You are:" and we enter the character creator, and are given our starting options.


I'm thinking this could be a Add-on for Alternative Start-Live Another Life, where instead of starting in the dungeon with the Mara statue, you're instead given the scenario above. However, the likely Easier (though boring) option would be to make it a new option for the dungeon, after character creation, where you choose your new life, and when you press the bed to go to it, you're given a option to view the Alternative Helgan intro, or just wake up in your new life. If you choose Alt Helgan, then you see the scenario above, then after you're beheaded, (And the loading screen) you wake up in your chosen life.


*Or, maybe your head is cut off just before the Dragon shows up, and your final moments of consciousness are spent watching the dragon land? I heard that severed heads are still "alive" for a few minutes or seconds after being beheaded, so it could work, though I'm not sure how hard it would be to code the head rolling in first person.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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