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Can't load into custom worldspace


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Hey, so I've been trying to get a custom worldspace to work, however for some reason I can't.

Whenever I try to get to my worldspace in-game, I get a load screen, but when it ends, I don't go anywhere, I just stay in the cell I was already in.


I have tried using COC and COW commands, aswell as using load doors to the worldspace, and they all net this result.


Any help would be appreciated, there's not much info on worldspace creation out there for me to consult otherwise.

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do you have any type of marker in that location ?(like a map marker ? )

Is there land on it ?

What settings have you edited in your worldspace setup ?


Basically all a new worldspace needs is a name and land and water height defaults... Dont touch anything else unless you know what youre doing....

Also is the plugin enabled in your mod manager ?

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