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Getting crashes do I need more Vram?


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I appreciate the help and I'll be working on it more after work but would like to ask that everyone please don't try to sell me AMD cards, I don't have anything against AMD but I'm an Nvidia user and I'm set in my ways, the GPU issue is a big enough headache when trying pick between 2 models from 1 manufacture let alone bringing in another brand, it's so frustrating, it makes me want to toss my computer out the window. So I'd ask that on the GPU issue please don't make it more painful then it already is.

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You should be able to allocate more VRAM to your configuration. There is a known CTD at 3.1gigs of ram, but I believe that is for non 64bit operating systems.There is a mod at Skyrim to view your VRAM usage, as well as other settings - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6491/?


I should say you could try the value of 4096 for your VideoMemorySizeMb setting in your enblocal.ini config file, but from what I have seen, there is no need to go any higher than that.

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