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Error Installing Vortex


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I don't have much to comment then i simply tried to install vortex for modding cyberpunk and i got some errors bein like nah

went to the file location and wiped the files still nothing happened, same error everytime, ive used vortex previously for fallout 4 modding with no issues, dont remember if i unstalled it or not previousllt but all i am aware is it doesnt exist no more (idk about the files)




Minor update:
browsing through the files i believe vortex is still installed but for whatever reason the unistalled (what i found) appears to be out of date for my pc, i've already got the windows 6 thing installed that it mentions when installing vortex so i'm at a loss

Another update:
I wiped the local file location and now im having issues with the "unistal vortex" file again continuing to be out of date tried to troubleshoot an nothin seems to be the issue at the moment..

Another Update:
continuing to wipe local files and just alot of back an forth i fixed my issue eventually, unsure what the cause was, but check file space etc wipe local install files and appdata and it fixed itself

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THIS WORKED! I have been raging for the past 24 hours since I couldn't install any new mods or do any updates since the installation would fail every time! I must have clicked on the beta version and not noticed. I switched back to stable and now I can get new mods again. Thank you!


Unsure how you found a beta version, i believe i am installing a non-beta version and still crashing into the errors

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