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Fallout3 Multiplayer


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I don't think MMO is th way to go. I have played Oblivion so much I can barely explain. And that is without mods. I recently began playing Fallout 3 & new vegas and I think you have so much fun playing alone. Yet I allways get up to this point when I want to turn around, midgame and say "Hey these guys are tuff if you sneak around and flank them we can take them down!". THen I find my self with a crappy Oblivion companion that simply attacks when I am detected. Or Maybe Boone just shoots the sh...tuff out of them before I even join the action. I personally think if they made it multi player version. Two or three players I would go mad with fun. Sure you get mods for companionship But nothing beats sitting with your best bud and LANing a really good game.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I am currently, making a Fallout 3 MP mod. Don't say it's impossible, because I made a perfect MP mod for Oblivion...

Check my profile on the Oblivion nexus for a DL.


My Fallout 3 MP mod will be out soon...

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I wouldn't call it a perfect multiplayer mod, it would be more of a co-op mod becuase you have to share the same PC.


And as for the actual multiplayer aspect, it would be way to impractical. VATS would have to be removed. You would have to rebalance a lot of things, create a chat sysem/ way to communicate.

Edited by fundip206
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