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A more lush/green skyrim ?


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I wanted to know if there is a mod that makes the surroundings of Whiterun more green lush, instead of the dry barrens look.

I'm aware of mods like "Skyrim Flora Overhaul", "Lush Trees & Grass" & "Green Grass". But these mods changes too much.

They add more features to the world in order to make it more lush looking, and I don't want more grass etc. I just want the current things to be green.

The green grass mod only changes the grass to green, not the ground texture? and it also adds more grass, which I am not interested in.

I want to know if there is such mod?

Changing the grass into a more lush green look, as well as the ground texture. a simple small thing like that should not harm performance, all the mods I've found goes above and beyond just changing textures, but also add more to it.



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