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Mod Request - Detective Camera OR Detective Suit


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Can someone make a Detective camera? I want it to be able to take pics that i can see on steam like a screenshot. I want the screen to look like the and when the pictures are made, they have a frame over them that looks like , And if you can't make a camera, can someone make a Detective suit and a smoking pipe (or a metal pipe weapon like from a sewer drain)? The suit would have a big trench coat that has the "Porcelain color" to it and a vest that has the color code "63,43,41" / HEX: "3F2B29" with a long-sleeved shirt that is "77,56,62" / HEX "4D383E", And also pants that are colored "47,32,30" / HEX: "2F201E" with shoes that are "25,14,10" / HEX: "190E0A" with laces that are the same color as the pants and the bottom of the shoes are "143,95,64" / HEX: "8F5F40"

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