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SHIV Customization for EW


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Just wondering if it would be possible to mod SHIVs so you can repaint and rename them?


Reason I'm asking is two fold. First, I'd like my SHIVs to match my squads.


Second, it's human nature to anthopromorphise just about everything.... so SHIVs named "Rex", "Homer", or "Mr. Spunktacular" would not be at all out of place.


Just borching the issue. Thanks. :smile:

Edited by PsyckoSama
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IF anyone can make this, i'd be so grateful. I always love having a cute little SHIV in my squad.
I loved the coloration of the basic SHIV, it being military green color, which is awesome. But the Alloy SHIV that was shiny silver and now is dull blue colored that really doesn't match my Military Green/Black soldiers.


Though, honestly, i can't imagine how would that be possible to do. But im no modder, so i don't know s#*!

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