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Another Gray Face Bug Problem (Its different though)


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I've made many NPC mods before, and know the common gray face bug and ctrl+f4 solution, BUT, for some reason, I'm having this problem in concerns with Aela when trying to update her.


When I start a new game, with my .esp at the bottom of the load order, and textures and meshes exported, she works perfectly.


But when I open my main playthrough save, she has this annoying gray-face bug of one of my older renditions of her that doesn't seem to change.


Even if I uninstall ALL of her meshes and textures and .esps in concern with her, her grey face doesn't change at all--it doesn't even change back to her vanilla faceshape or hairstyle.


The only time she seems to work however is when I do reinstall my original .esp, so she can get the old corresponding textures with her face mesh. If I edit that .esp however, her grey-face morph returns.


Any clue on what's happening?

Edited by sumojellybean
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Before exporting the face gen, temporarily remove the tinitmasks folder foind in textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks to your desktop. export the facegen data. If all looks good replace the tintmasks folder to it's original location.

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