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Pipboy Use Causes Nakedness! Help?


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Hi all...


Hoping someone can help with this...

For some off reason, every time I open my Pipboy (or, more specifically, soon as it's closed) my character is BRIEFLY disrobed!

It's for only a moment, then the clothes / armour / etc. is restored. However, this adversely affects things like fast-travel - if I'm carrying extra due to allowances made by what's being worn, that momentary nakedness is enough to tell the game I'm over-encumbered and thus disallows fast-travel!!!


I have a butt-load of loaded mods, so running through them all one-by-one to try identify the culprit is... an option I'm leaving open should no-one here have any quick ideas off the top of their heads. :-)


If someone is aware of this issue, has experienced it before, knows a solution or just may know which mod might be causing this, I'd be very grateful to hear from you!!!


An export of my active plugins list is attached, in case someone decides they need it.


Thanks in advance all!

Edited by Menageryl
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That is caused by the game engine - the way it works is: When you close the pip boy, it removes everything from your PC, then equips them showing any changes you made while the pip boy was open. Normally it happens so fast you don't even notice. Having a lot of mods, or having a lot of stuff in your inventory can cause the script to run a bit slow.

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  • 2 weeks later...


That is caused by the game engine - the way it works is: When you close the pip boy, it removes everything from your PC, then equips them showing any changes you made while the pip boy was open. Normally it happens so fast you don't even notice. Having a lot of mods, or having a lot of stuff in your inventory can cause the script to run a bit slow.



DAMMIT! So what you're telling me is I'm stuck with this problem until such time as I pair down my active-plugins number? Considering they number about 209, I'm assuming that's where the problem lies.

DAMN! And I spent SO long just to get a stable system with all these mods in place!!!

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There is a possible l duplicated mod in place seen in that load order, but I am forbidden from discussing this mod here.

the mod in question I think are both the same thing is these:

  • AQFH.esp=1
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So what you're telling me is I'm stuck with this problem until such time as I pair down my active-plugins number?

Not necessarily. It may be some single mod that is causing an extra long pause or delay in this process.

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  • Detect Traps.esm=1



    FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp=0


    The Coalition.esm=1



I would wager that is the issue


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