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A old war bunker


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Someone needs to make a huge pre war bunker that is a player home with the following rooms games room with boble head stand and juke box, kitchen with nuka cola machine, living area, medical bay with a robt that can heal you, armory, workshop, target area, sleeping area, a desk with player owned terminal radio for both canels and the radio like thing, automated mantinence that can repar your stuff and fight things and guard robots, there are also probaly more rooms im not thinking of but the story behind it [and maby quest to get it] could be that it was evacuated befor the war or somthin. Note i like archis bunker mod but i dont like things constantly attaking it the doors always closing and locking, no front door teleport, and the kitchen is basicly in the hospital and would u want to eat in the hospital. I have gone threw alot of home mods but most are small and everything is in one room or you can see threw everything and really dosnt fit in. :thanks:
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well, maybe it's a bit of a self-promotin' and doesn't exactly fit everything that you are wanting. But you could check out my mod. Just search nexus for bunker and you'll find it. There isn't no quest nor anything like that but it does have some stuff that you requested.
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