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Plastic Hair Problems


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I hate the plastic-like texture of my hair, especially when it rains and the ENB is turned on it shines.

When it rains, the hair glows white if a torch or light source is nearby.

Is there any way to fix this?

If there is a way, I would like to know more about it. Thank you in advance.

I found a NIF (leaf) that does not reflect light so I opened the NIF and looked but could not find the cause.

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It appears you're using some sort of "wet function" mod, or possibly, if playing under 1.6x, they've implemented a system-wide "wet function".


If the former, I'd get into its MCM, disable the shine, then uninstall (make sure you've killed its effect off BEFORE you uninstall it).

if the latter, I really don't know.

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