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Extra dog slot not working


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So i have been using the extra dog slot for many different playthroughs without any issue. But now its just not working at all. I blow the whistle the dog appears for a few seconds and then fades away. I have tried uninstalling reinstalling etc but nothing works so far, any ideas

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  • 2 years later...

Okay. Does anyone have any suggestions here? I'm having the same problem. My extra dog talents are also not showing up. Are there any known conflicts with any mods? I have a f*ck-tonn of mods installed, and I'd really rather not spend a day and a half activating and deactivating all of them to see if there is a mod problem...

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Okay. Does anyone have any suggestions here? I'm having the same problem. My extra dog talents are also not showing up. Are there any known conflicts with any mods? I have a f*ck-tonn of mods installed, and I'd really rather not spend a day and a half activating and deactivating all of them to see if there is a mod problem...


It's not a matter of any specific mod "conflicting". It's a matter of too many mods of a specific type causing "game engine event manager overload".


You don't say which mods you're running, but try removing one that modifies a lot of event triggers, (e.g. dialogue tweaks) or AT, (which is one of the worst offenders) and see if that resolves your issue.

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