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Defining variables VS using that same data directly in function calls -- difference in speed of execution

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A question about pros and cons of writing variables to memory vs skipping those and putting the same data directly into function calls -- Would there be a difference in speed of execution (big enough to become a consideration when calls begin piling up) between the two examples below and by extension entire scripts leaning more toward one approach over the other:

Float Dist1 = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Subj.x, Point1x, Subj.y, Point1y, NewZ1, NewZ1)

Float Dist2 = GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Subj.x, Point2x, Subj.y, Point2y, NewZ2, NewZ2)

Float AngX = Subj.GetAngleX()

Vals[1] = atan(ZDiff1/Dist1)

Vals[2] = atan(ZDiff2/Dist2)

Vals[0] = AngX

Return Vals

Vals[1] = atan(ZDiff1/GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Subj.x, Point1x, Subj.y, Point1y, NewZ1, NewZ1))

Vals[2] = atan(ZDiff2/GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Subj.x, Point2x, Subj.y, Point2y, NewZ2, NewZ2))

Vals[0] = Subj.GetAngleX()

Return Vals


The top one obviously has better readability which makes production easier but perhaps there's a big enough gain in efficiency to sometimes use the eye-bleeding style instead.

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Whilst there must be some overhead in a variable assignment, it is not measurable so I would prioritize code maintainability over compact notation.


Altho the second version is actually more readable for me :O


Infact if the compiler is sufficiently clever it could (we dont know) concantenate the calls in pcode anyway.

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