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Issues with thaena in winterhold


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I'm currently away from my PC but I have been having an issue with thaena, the steward in winter hold, wearing clothing. Idk what all mods I have off hand but since I installed them, she refuses to wear ANY clothing or armor. Now it's not that she isn't nice to look at running around nude all the time,but it's kinda irksome. I will update when I can with my mod list and maybe someone can help.
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Try disabling the mod. Go into your game and save without the mod active. Use falrimtools to clean your game save. Go into that game save and save again. Enable your mod again. Hopefully that will work. Trying an older save might work too. Try to see if the problem persist with a clean game start. If this is the case one of your mods might be the culprit.

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