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Emittance - Exterior Light - FXlightRegioninvertWarm. How to make it White or Cool?


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In the properties of an object, there is an option to change its emittance. There is also an option to turn off the lighting during the daytime. But I found an option for warm light only - FXlightRegioninvertWarm. And if my light source should be white (cool)?

Do I understand correctly that Bethesda forgot to add this one to the list? Or is there some other way? I have tried other options but they work very differently.

Thank you!



Edited by orangedeal
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Hello orangedeal,


You need to create a new weather with your own lighting setting, and create a new region with this newly created weather assigned.


(I'm pretty sure there was an inverted FX light region with whitish light from Bethesda, though. Try any of the FX light region with "invert" in the name.)


How to :


1) Create a new weather.

2) On the left side there's a tetris like grid. Click on the "Effect Lighting" row. (This is the only row needs to be edited for this purpose)

3) In the cells that say "EarlySunrise", "LateSunset" etc., you'd find color setting. These colors are your FX light for those time period. Edit them to your liking. Hit OK and exit editor.

4) Open Region Editor by clicking on pulldown menu at the top "World", and choose "Regions..."

5) In the Region Editor, choose the worldspace you are in, and right click on the region list, choose "New Region" and create your FX light region.

6) Choose this new region, and click on the weather tab, enable this type of data.

7) Assign the weather you created.


You can now choose this region in the exterior light emittance menu in the object ref editor.

Edited by DiodeLadder
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