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Multiplayer... *muhahha*


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Hmmm you using one comp as a server? and one as a client? (server denoting the pathways of all variables and the client receving them and interpereting them as well as telling the server what he himself is doing?) it sounds like you almost are but only between the players not the rest of the world... might take a look at this scripting and see if i can puzzle it out a bit sounds plausable tho if your passing variables to an external program that transmits them and then interperates them again in game (same principe as a modem... sept in software) question is wether or not you can force all npc and monster actions and detect them if you can i can see this working... within reason but yeah :) just my $0.02



Also this begs for the implementation of a dedicated server that simply crunches numbers for the implementation of a persistant world (sleep would have to be disabled everywhere and replaced with a stedy recouperation of hit points and mana... simple enough)

Edited by Wookiee
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Hmm looking at what you have done it would be a hellova job to continue down the path you have chosen two words "dedicated server" the easyest way to get around time discrepencys (the fact that going into the inven locks time) well with a dedicated server you could constantly update the game houre and forcably modify the world around the player and his stats (die while in inven) dedicated server would have to be a coppy that ran withought pausing...


posible that maby you wana post the bamf source code so we can have a look over it? see if we cant make two new progs out of the existing one client and server.

... please :)

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Hide somewhere safe while doing stuff that makes you vulnerable? (Mark-Intervention-Recall sequence)

This also would mean that some mechanics exploits (I have a spell that fortifies Barter 100 points for 3 seconds) would no longer work, and therefore, the game would be more logical.

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