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Project Nevada: Sprint and Bullet Time not working on save file


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I have 2 alternate save files for me and my bro to play New Vegas with.

For some reason in his save file, he can no longer sprint or use bullet time.

My save file works perfectly however, and I can still sprint and use bullet time.

No other aspect of Project Nevada seems to be functioning incorrectly, just those two.

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Nah, when you start the game up tgm is normally disabled. I also tried toggling godmode on and off to no avail.


I forgot to mention that this happened after I updated MCM and installed the Weapons Mod Manager. Installing them and loading them in the right order was a major b&@*$ and something might have gone wrong.

The problem with that theory though is that bullettime and Sprinting still works perfectly for me.

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Do you have Sprint + Bullet Time bound to non-default keys on your or your brother's save file? It could be that when you updated MCM it reset the keybinds to their defaults, and IIRC any keybinds made in MCM are specific to a particular save file. In that case you'd be able to use things just fine while he wouldn't.


I'd try having him rebind the sprint/bullet time keys on his file and seeing if they work when bound to other keys. I'd also double-check to make sure he has sprint/bullet time turned on in the Project Nevada options.

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