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killzone 2 helghst


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ever since I got killzone 2 I fell in love with the helghast faction I also love fallout 3 mix those two together and we have a epic armor set so is there anyone in the forums who can make helghast armor for fallout 3 it would REALLY be appreciated if you are not familiar with this then here is a link http://www.customminifig.co.uk/wp-content/...ast_soldier.jpg
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I have no idea who Colonel Radec is and I can't model



Radec is the main boss in Killzone2. He looks so good damn awesome :))


Now that we're in the subject of Killzone2...


Can anyone mod the Killzone 2 Sniper? It looks so awesome! I don't know if that's even possible since it's from a PS3 game and it's not really from any google image either.


One can dream ^^

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It's being worked on.


The helmet is already done and put into FOOK, while the rest of the armor is being worked in Fallout 3 General Modification Talk in the cerberus topic or something

That's not Helghast armour. That is Jin-Roh Wolf Brigade Protect Armour.

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There is quite a difference thats like saying that saying water and oil are the same thing the only similarity are the masks and eyes (wich are not even the same colour helghast have orange eyes jin-roh protect gear have red) and thats only on a standad soldier other than that the uniform is a different style.


also as a second thing wich helghast armor do u want as there are several, i will post pics of them.




the pic of the scout also give some refence for the sniper rifle (how ever it may help)


also some concept and pics of radec








also just to put this in this is the jin-roh protect gear




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