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Oculus Rift Proof Steady FPS


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*Sorry if this is the wrong section, please let me know if it is*


Hey all, I'm building my first real gaming rig, and I wanted some opinions on things.


First of all, I'm using the case, HDD, and 5 Gb of RAM from older PCs. I plan on using an Intel Core i5-760 CPU with a Galaxy GTX 760 2Gb GPU.Would this give me steady 55-60 FPS with Ultra settings(Possibly graphics mods). In the future, I'd also like to use Skyrim with an Oculus rift. How would the card/cpu handle stereoscopic 3D? I'd prefer to have a minimum of about 45-50 FPS in the Oculus without any stuttering so I don't get weird effects in the Rift. Any opinions on this build are greatly appreciated!

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Forget about Oculus Rift for at least a year, until its released with 4K displays. Ive heard there are too many issues when trying to run Skyrim on OR with current drivers.


As for Nvidia 3D Vision. Game looks fantastic in 3D, its day and night difference. With right mods and settings, it is the most immersive gaming experience available today. But you have to work for it, its not that easy. Will need patch from here to fix 3D issues: http://helixmod.blogspot.ru/2012/03/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-3d-vision-all-in.html

Also need right setup of mods and inis. The biggest problem is its not really compatible with ENBs since Helix fix uses d3d9.dll which is also used by ENBs. And trying to proxy wont help (you'll see graphic glitches). But other visual mods work fine.


I hope you know that for 3D you need 120 Hz monitor

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4K? I'm fine with 1080 once the 1080p dev kit comes out. I don't really need any more than that for now. I'd love to have the immersive FOV. I never looked into 3d monitors.


And I heard that once fixed, the Oculus immersion(even in 720 with screen door) is amazing.


I really just want to know how the above hardware would run Skyrim with a Stereoscopic Oculus, or the 3D settup you mentioned.


I appreciate your input!

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4K? I'm fine with 1080 once the 1080p dev kit comes out. I don't really need any more than that for now. I'd love to have the immersive FOV. I never looked into 3d monitors.


And I heard that once fixed, the Oculus immersion(even in 720 with screen door) is amazing.


I really just want to know how the above hardware would run Skyrim with a Stereoscopic Oculus, or the 3D settup you mentioned.


I appreciate your input!


HD on Oculus Rift isnt like HD on monitor. You need higher resolution to get clear picture. But yeah, when OR releases its going to be amazing.

If you want to know how much fps youll get in SKyrim with 3D vision, look at how much you have now and divide by 2.

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