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2 questions about snap points


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When creating a scol it seems that all connect point data for each object is lost...

I tried adding snap points to a building for example that is a scol by doing each door frame type used separately in nif scope .

As a individual piece snapping works perfectly but when those pieces become part of a scol they no longer snap nor does anything show in the CK preview window suggesting that the scol has any snap points.

I understand that it would be an issue with connect point parents overlapping but i was hoping they "merge" .


So i decided to add the snap points in Nifskope to the scol with a single parent but then i was faced with another problem...

I cant see into an object like a house to do the inner doors (is there a function in nifskope that allows viewing a mesh internally ? or make it somewhat transparent ? )


One last thing: is there a way in nifscope to measure the Z from surface so i can add the snap point height i need without 10s of trial and error ?

Example a building that sits on a foundation that isnt at a specific Z height (sunk) or a floor above the surface...

Edited by greekrage
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