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Skip the Civil War? Murder Ulfric yourself?


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I'm hungry now. Thanks >:[


Totally agree though.

I wish you could really take charge instead of having the illusion of a choice at every turn .-.

I've tried it, it's nice but it's as you said the opposite of what I wanted x'D


I agree... More to the point, I don't really like Ulfric at all, and feel that an assassin's (or, if you've gotta be a REAL Nord, a challenger's) blade is the best possible answer to him. After all, he's (a) a murderous idiot (if he had ASKED King Thorygg to work with him, dude would've agreed!) (b) a racist douchebag (what if the Dragonborn is a Dark Elf? Huh? What then, Ulfric, what then!?) and © a deep cover Thalmor agent.


That would actually be a great add-on to the DB questline, now that I think about it. I mean, you've just killed the Emperor, so what would the Council want next? An end to this pesky little internal conflict brewing in one of the Empire's most important (I think?) regions.


Exactly. Really with my character the way she is right now I could easily break into the Palace of Kings and shove a sword up his self-righteous ass and end it all at once. Would be pretty epic too.

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