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Is A Non-Bulky Male Body Possible ?


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Essential question:

1. Is it even possible, using just body-slider mods (or whatever), to make a (male) body that has a large "frame" (skeleton) but low body mass (lean muscle, not bulky) ? [Looking to make a broad-shouldered skinny guy.]


I asked such a question in the comments of a BF&H mod (don't now recall which one) but then thought it would be much better to ask here. (Duh -- I catch-on eventually.)


The Bethesda male body always has looked vaguely ogre-esque to me -- huge biceps and chest (man boobs), heavy rounded (but relatively narrow) shoulders, etc. And this "hyper-masculinity" gets even worse with body mods, making the default Arnold Schwarzeneggar look like Thor. But I have never seen an attempt to alter the male body to more "realistic" proportions. [i know, I know, it IS a fantasy game; that's just not MY fantasy.] My aim would be what I consider a Tennis-Player's body; lean, stringy muscle acquired thru necessity, not a gym-body. [A good current example would be tennis pro Alexander Zverev. While he may become invisible when he turns sideways, he has huge shoulders. But cut off his head, because: blond] [i'm a pale-skinned blond. It's not fun.]


But thinking about question #1 leads me to concerns that even if I could re-proportion the body, it may be incompatible with all the [ogre-body designed] armours and clothings. Would this not also be the case? I have avoided messing with body mods in the past for this reason.


And finally, I would NOT want a narrow-slender "twink" body either.


Is what I envision possible? Thought? Insults?


[sorry for the elaborate verbosity; I'm an INFJ.]



~ P



edit: You need only see my Avatar victim to see a tall, strong, athletic, man with no extraneous mass. [A pic of Miloslav Mecir, the last player to use a wood racquet.]

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Heya! Thanx for response!


I am certainly CONSIDERING HIMBO -- and certainly intend to try that first.

There are, however, concerns even with that. I ran into this bit of insight from CptnJTK via "HIMBO Creation Club Refits for BodySlide" [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58697]:


<< see the Spoiler in the description >>


[No, I have not acquired the AE content. [Yet??]] But the first line of the last paragraph says it all. There is not a shortage of armors made compatible for HIMBO [and others], but, of course, never that one armour that really got my attention. [Yes, you all have that problem, too!! Don't think I don't know!] Am I TOO, TOO picky? ...Yes. HaHaha. But I have noticed that even the "compatible-ized" armours/outfits often have that "fat-belly" issue. AND [last one], it is very likely that I will need to make "dramatic" slider adjustments (see above) which may require wearing nothing but a loincloth (not what I want...)! :laugh: :ermm: :huh: :rolleyes: :blush:


So. err. I am lacking confidence (clearly).


I guess I will just have to experiment [Noooooo!!] and learn first hand.



Thanx again, Hanaisse, for the reply

~ P :thumbsup:


-- Apparently I am "not allowed to use that image extension on this community." Copy/Paste IS a dangerous tool . . .

-- Do not try ALT+ characters either.



editbecauseioverthinkeverything: Any other suggestions O wise and creative community?



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