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Cybernetic Faction


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As many others I totally love the Ocular Dissonance's Cybernetic Dawn mod but must still admit that I'd rather fight the Cyborgs than being one.


I have absolutely no modding skills of my own but I hava a little talent when it comes to writing plots so here's my idea for making the cyborgs into a new faction that'll feel (at least a bit) like it belongs in the Fallout universe:


To start off add a cyborg imprisoned somewhere (I imagined deep in the Robco factory) that the player gets to release. The player then gets asked by the cyborg to help him release other cyborgs hidden over the wasteland (perhaps in the little used power stations).


If one decides not to help the cyborg it will run away to later become hostile (more on this later), if one decides to help the cyborg becomes a companion until the other cyborgs are realeased.


After the release of all the cyborgs the first one will reveal his "man v/s machine" vision (what fun is a terminator that doesn't wanna kill all humans?). If the player supports this idea the cybernetic faction will be friendly, if not hostile. (I was thinking that giving the player the "Robotics Expert" perk as a free perk to those that support the faction and simultaneously making everyone with that perk, chosen earlier or later to a friend of the faction.)


After this has been done I'd love for the faction to have a HQ (again Robco seems like the natural choise) to where the cyborg friendly player can come for support and to where the hostiles can come for mayhem.


Then ofcourse we have the random encounters. I think that the cyborgs should be just as rare as they should be powerful so having them spawning mainly solo but with vanilla robots as company could be the best choise.



As said, I have no skills to create this myself but I tried my best to create an idea that wouldn't necessairly require too much work. Again, I could be wrong.


If anyone with talent thinks this is a good idea; I have more details to the plot if you'd like to create this together with me...


Cheers! /Dumbster

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