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Disguise Your Crimes


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I've seen a few mods around that allow the player to disguise themselves, but there hasn't been on like I've wanted and I am in no way experienced enough to create one (yet). I often play thieves and rack up huge bounties and often am targeted the minute I get into a city, no matter what armor I wear. I can pay the fee, yes, but it ruins the immersion for me.

All I ask for is the following:

1) A circlet and/or a hood enchanted with a small enchantment that allows the player to walk past guards without being attacked or getting the, "Wait, I know you..." dialogue. The circlet could fit with character seeking to disguise themselves as rich merchants or nobles, while the hood logically hides their face.

2) I'm not sure if it is within the game's power to have the enchantment 'fail' if the player happens to pass by a guard captain or housecarl, but it would be nice.

3) And getting caught committing a crime in this disguise would result in double the normal bounty that crime would do.

I have no idea if this would work, but it would be a swell idea.

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Oh, indeed - something of a cloak/hood system, that greatly reduces the chance of being recognized when your face is hidden? Could be made to work with Face Masks of Skyrim and the thousand hood/cloak mods out there. Very interesting idea, would add a lot to thief/assassin gameplay.

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I don't use Facemasks of Skyrim, but that is a cool idea! I like my circlet idea, since my thieves often fool people by pretending to be rich noblemen/women, but yours is good too C:

I wish i knew how to start this though :/

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SKSE has a one-click installer now. Much easier and user-friendly. But, in all seriousness (probably cause I've never modded before and don't know about the specifics of what I'm suggesting), how hard would it be to import, say, the Mask of the Gray Fox from Oblivion into Skyrim?

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It does now? Wow, reinstalling then!

I doubt we would be able to import the cowl in. I'm guessing it'll just be a script that makes the player have a zero bounty while they are wearing the item a an earning a bounty once the player removes it in the presence of guards, like if you pickpocket or kill someone in front of guards

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