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Looking for Loadout hotkey mods and a way to select more traits without using more esps


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As the title says I am looking for recommendations for some type of loadout hotkey mod. Something that with allow me to assign entire apparrel and weapon loadouts to hotkeys, numerical or otherwise.


This mod (Auto Equip) is what I am looking at, but want to see if there are any other options reccomended.




Also a way to select more traits without using more esps, I'm pretty high on esps as is and performance is on the edge for my PC, if the only way is another esp, it;s not a problem just wondering if there is a way with no esp.

Edited by Starbound721
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So I found what I was looking for, here it is of anyone is also looking for somthing similar: Auto equip has 3 different options for weapon and armor loadouts hotkeyed and Misc Tweaks allows for unlimited traits among many other options, requires Stewie;s AI. Makes for a very customizable game.


Misc. Gamesetting Tweaks

A collection of INI mods to configure Game Settings to your liking. Powered by lStewieAl's Tweaks.




lStewieAl's Tweaks




Auto Equip

Allows you to switch between several equipment configurations depending on whether your weapon is holstered or not, or depending wich hotkey is pressed.



Edited by Starbound721
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