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script that shows messages based on the players intelligence


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I'm trying to do a script where after activating the activator, the player will be shown a one of two messages based on their intelligence

this is the script I tried using on the activator:

Scriptname AAAooo1messasage1 extends ObjectReference Const

{show message either message 1 or message 2 based on the players intelligence}

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

If Player(GetBaseValue Actor Value: "Intelligence" < 5)


ElseIf Player(GetBasevalue Actor Value: "Intelligence" > 5)




Message Property AAAmessage01 Auto Const

Message Property AAAmessage02 Auto Const

Actor Property Player Auto Const

thank you

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Try this...

Scriptname AAAooo1messasage1 extends ObjectReference Const
{show message either message 1 or message 2 based on the players intelligence}

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const
ActorValue Property Intelligence Auto Const
Message Property AAAmessage01 Auto Const
Message Property AAAmessage02 Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Int pIntelligence = PlayerRef.Getvalue(Intelligence) As Int

   If pIntelligence < 5
   ElseIf pIntelligence > 5


Something to remember is that you're only checking that the player intelligence is under or over 5, so nothing will happen if the player's intelligence is 5. If you want something to happen on "is less than or equals" or "more than or equals" then use <= or >= respectively.

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