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This NEEDS to be done


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We all must agree on one simple fact. To those who have NOT played through the main quest and reached Trouble on the Homefront please look the other way. For those that did it's only evident that in Broken Steel Vault 101 SHOULD BE OPEN BY NOW. It's to early to tell if such an addition was made in BS but I'm beginning to have my doubts. Most of the development staff was so keen on getting Broken Steel done this oversight was never thought of and I am beginning to lose hope that the developers in Bethesda ever will.


So to my veteran core modders this task falls to you.


Amata herself said that the Vault would be opened in hopes of negotiating trade talks with caravans and probably outlying settlements. To have the game, with BS going so that we have the beautiful endless system we always love in Bethesda games, not have the option to assist the new Overseer in say dealing with Raider parties or the occasional hotheaded Slaver looking for a quick fix just doesn't suit the whole story.


I have a few ideas on content but the problem is making this mod is just not within my capabilities. Perhaps you receive the news from Lucas Simms that the vault is open and they're looking for merchants, or that they have built a small colony on the overlook of Springvale or even better yet they've managed to secure a few of the buildings and begun fixing them up.


You all must agree with me; THIS HAS TO BE DONE. Either by our veteran modders hand or that of the developers it MUST be done. It's integral and it's important to the whole story. I can't really say if getting the main voice actors will be possible but maybe just maybe a Bethesda developer will chance on this and realize, "damn!! We left out something really important."

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Amata being questioned by two hostile Enclave soldiers and a non hostile Enclave officer; if you talk to her, move too close to the soldiers, let the soldiers finish talking to her, or attack the soldiers, Amata will be killed; you can save her for no reward or dialog options, she will only say "this is all your fault", even if you convinced her that her father/the new Overseer destroyed the Vault.


A random member of the Tunnel Snakes from Vault 101 (Not Butch).


Susie Mack, if you made Amata the Overseer of Vault 101 during Trouble on the Homefront. She will tell you that the Vault is doing fine and give you Purified Water.


These are random encounters from the Vanilla fallout.

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