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Problem with custom exterior navmesh (I think...)


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Hi everyone! I've been working on a project to add more content to Skyrim exterior world, like small villages, new ruins etc. However, I always hit the same problem: once I remove the original navmesh from the cell and make a new one, all the npcs start acting stange.


They act sluggish and seem to "think" of their every action for forever. Newly added npcs don't follow their schedules or completely stop doing anything after a while. When they finally DO act, they choose to walk repeatedly into walls or start wandering across half Skyrim. It's like everyone's on skooma!


For example, I changed Morthal a bit. I added a house across the bridge near the mill and abviously made some changes to navmesh also. Now everyone who goes near the bridge gets stuck at the other end of it.


In other case I made a whole new village but for some reason a patrolling guard gets in to this loop where he tries to enter a certain house, appears out of the door, enters again, again and again...




Does anyone have any idea what am I doing wrong? Is it a common bug or does this happen to me only? Is it because of the navmesh or is the flaw in the npcs?


I know how to make a navmesh, I know how to test it, how to finalize it, but nothing helps. It really bugs me. I'd be most grateful if someone can help me to work this out.



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From my experience, making large scale changes to the exterior Tamriel navmeshes is tricky. As a general rule, you don't want to delete the existing navmeshes as this will lead to the sorts of problems you've described. Instead, you either want alter the existing navmeshes to suit the changes you're making, or I've heard of some people moving the entire navmesh of a cell well below the ground level and creating a new navmesh in it's place, at ground level. Either way, the original navmesh remains.


You can basically delete all but one triangle from the existing navmesh, and then just start to recreate it to suit your needs. Because you're starting from that one original triangle, the CK won't change the ID of the navmesh which I believe is the important part. I'm no expert on this but just thought I'd pass on what I've picked up along the way. Good luck!

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Thanks for the advice. I rarely delete the whole navmesh but I may have done so in few cases. I will try your trick and see how it works.


Is it possible to recover the original navmesh somehow? Something like removing the data that I have altered so that the game would load the grid from the .esm file.

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