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XPMSEE not loading


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I have the pre-reqs of SKSE64, SKYUI and Racemenu installed. SkyUI and Racemenu show in the Mod list in game with a check, but skeleton is unchecked and not appearing in the MCM menu. Any suggestions?


Mod list in game is showing that it is leaving the last mod added as unchecked until another one is added.

Edited by Makira3251
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Usually, you can ignore the mod list in game. I would even recommend not to use it.


Use Vortex to install and manage your mods. What does Vortex say? Is XPMSSE enabled both in the "mods" tab and in the "plugins" tab (meaning green, not grey)? Are there any error messages (e.g. missing masters / prerequisites) in the "plugins" tab?

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It seems to have sorted itself out. The mods are green on the mod list and plug-in list. The singular error I did encounter was vortex flagging a warning about SKSE not being installed or installed correctly, but getskseversion command reports the correct version and the Sky UI and other mods requiring it function. Thanks for responses thus far.

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