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Realistic Changing of the Seasons


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Description: Just as the Name says.

A mod that makes winter visable in the south, blizzards more frequent in the north, etc. While makng summer more visable in the north and south. In fall you will see more fallen leaves, brown leaves and empty trees. In spring you will see small green budding leaves, flowers and small amounts of melting snow left in winters wake.


Misc. : If the seasons are changing why not add/Subtract the amount/veriety or genre of flowers to apear

Example: In winter: lots of snowberries, tundra cotton, etc. In spring: lots of blue mountain flowers, etc.


A companion to this mod would be:

-Nitor's http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6745 Hypothermia

-Chesko's http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11163/ Frostfall

-persei9's http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26228/ RND -Realistic Needs and Diseases


A companion not yet created would be:

- HYPERthermia - Overheating (see link to view the request)


Edited by ElderScrollsUnited
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What you are asking for is i want to say ridiculous amount of work if at all possible.

Only way i could see it happening is at a set interval in the game maybe after X time has passed in terms of months according to your Setgame time that when you enter a certain cell skyrim could then change the season but even then idk if it could handle that without crashing. real time season changing is i am sure not possible at all though.


Now you have Seasons of skyrim mod recently, but it's not "changing" you have to manually change it whenever you want the season to change. Meaning exit skyrim uninstall and install the season you want then launch skyrim again.

Edited by fifteenspades
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Yeah, the problem is that you cannot change textures in game (I think). If you could do it, it would be a lot easier. Believe me, I have been waiting for season changing in Elder Scrolls for a long time. The seasons changed in Arena and Daggerfall, but it was with simple texture changes and weather effects (grass would change to snow and so on).


I think the reason why they haven't included this feature in later games is because it is very hard to do with the updated graphics. In earlier games, it was just a sprite swap. Now you would need to make dynamic snowfall, leaves changing, weather systems, and so on...


I really wish Bethesda would bring back seasons and holidays in later games as they had in the early games...

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(*wimpers* :sad:) well that is an eye opener...

could they instead of haveing changing textures, have changing landscapes, where (if its winter) the next time you enter and exit a building it is snowing (?enter/exit again and snow will be on the ground?)

Edited by ElderScrollsUnited
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  • 3 months later...

What you are asking for is i want to say ridiculous amount of work if at all possible.

Only way i could see it happening is at a set interval in the game maybe after X time has passed in terms of months according to your Setgame time that when you enter a certain cell skyrim could then change the season but even then idk if it could handle that without crashing. real time season changing is i am sure not possible at all though.


Now you have Seasons of skyrim mod recently, but it's not "changing" you have to manually change it whenever you want the season to change. Meaning exit skyrim uninstall and install the season you want then launch skyrim again.

actually you can change textures and where those textures are.

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