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need help with video in Morrowind


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I am currently making an entire film using morrowind.

And i was wondering if there was anyway to change the game implemented camera angles.

like, perhaps putting the camera next to the characters feet.

or perhaps, having the camera setting next to a bush as a the character walks by.



is this possible?


how would i do this?



thankyou so much if you could help.



...another question is.. how do i turn off the "Hud?"

or UI (user interface)



thankyou so much

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Ghannie Boy, the Pipes, the Pipes, They're Calling:


Enabling and disabling player control and interface


Disable player control functions


All of these functions disable some part of the user interface, thus restricting the players actions.


[no fix] DisablePlayerControls

Player can only look around with mouse or use options menu, nothing else and menus disappear.

[no fix] DisablePlayerFighting

[no fix] DisablePlayerMagic

These two functions seem to be unreliable according to forum information: If the player holds a weapon or has a spell readied he can continue to use it and quick-keys for weapons and spell likewise still seem to work. I currently don't know of a reliable solution for this problem.

[no  fix] DisablePlayerJumping

[no  fix] DisablePlayerLooking

[no  fix] DisablePlayerViewSwitch

[no  fix] DisableVanityMode




Force first or third person view

[no fix] PCGet3rdPerson (returns Boolean/short)

returns 1 if in 3rd person mode

[no fix] PCForce3rdPerson

queue the change to 3rd person mode (this may have to wait for the animation to finish)

[no fix] PCForce1stPerson

same as above but 1st person mode




Uses of the CharGenState variable - Disabling saving and menus


The availability of the save option in the main menu (and the Quicksave key) depends on the value of the CharGenState global. Set it to something other than -1 (to 99, for example), and the player is no longer allowed to save the game. Setting CharGenState back to -1 again turns everything back to normal.


This has several side effects. First, you won't be able to access the menu screen. This can be fixed by EnableStatsMenu - it reenables ALL the menus, not only the stats window. However, the journal, the Quick Keys and the QuickKey menu (F1) are disabled as well, and you can't loot corpses. I haven't found a way around these limitations.  There is some conflict potential in this, so it would be good to take some precautions that the player is not currently inside the character generation sequence, and that the value is set back to its original value after use.


(Forum info / Erstam)




Cinematic sequence


The following is a very smart approach to do a cinematic sequence by gianluca (Morrowind Summit forums). It removes player control, places the player on an invisible "CollisionWall" object and then moves him (and thus the camera) around. You can't have cinematic sequences involving the PC, but it's still great.


begin ELDQ_visualforbattle

If ( menumode == 1 )
if ( doOnce == 0 )
 "Collision wall2"->disable
 "Collision wall3"->disable
 "Collision wall4"->disable
 set doOnce to 1
if ( doOnce == 1 )
 "Collision wall1"->moveworld X 800
 messagebox "moving"
 if ( "Player"->getPos Z < 570 )
   set doOnce to 2
   set playxx to "Player"->getPos X
   set playyy to "Player"->getPos Y
   set playzz to "Player"->getPos Z
   "Collision wall2"->enable
   "Player"->position ­114679 ­4119 590 90
if ( doOnce == 2 )
 "Collision wall2"->moveworld X 800
 messagebox "moving"
 if ( "Player"->getPos Z < 570 )
   set playxx to "Player"->getPos X
   set playyy to "Player"->getPos Y
   set playzz to "Player"->getPos Z
   "Collision wall3"->enable
   °Player°->position ­112634 ­4119 590 90
   set doOnce to 3
if ( doOnce == 3 )
 "Collision wall3"->moveworld X 200
 "Collision wall3"->moveworld Y ­800
 if ( "Player"->getPos Z < 570 )
   set doOnce to 4
   set playxx to "Player"->getPos X
   set playyy to "Player"->getPos Y
   set playzz to "Player"->getPos Z
   "Collision Wall4"->enable
   °Player"->position ­112126 ­6150 590 90
if ( doOnce == 4 )
 "Collision wall4"->moveworld X 600
 "Collision wall4"->moveworld Y ­450
 if ( "Player"->getPos Z < 570 )
   set doOnce to 5
   set playxx to "Player"->getPos X
   set playyy to "Player"->getPos Y
   set playzz to "Player"->getPos Z
if ( doOnce == 5 )
 stopscript ELDQ_visualforbattle

end ELDQ_visualforbattle

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