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new armor idea


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it is a light armor idea that at its core is a combanation of the Wasteland Wanderer armor and the Merc Adventurer armor.


the pants and boots from the wasteland armor cleaned up so they are not as patchwork and look more like jeans with the black leather vest, banolere, and leather patches of the adventuerer onto the wasteland jacket.


the ladies verson could have the front open a but to so the cleavage like on the merc armor. i leave it up to the modder to deside as they know their skills better than i do.


I know it might not happen as it seems like a lot of work with meshes and textures but i am hopeful.


the reason behind this is i invision it as a starter armor that could reach into mid range before needing to upgrade to something else.


thank you in advance to anyone that look at this thread. and a special thank you to any modder that would try their hand and skill at this.

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