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UFO, Amazing Follower Tweaks or EFF?


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I am concerned specifically because I am absolutely going to use Convenient Horses. That mod recommends EFF as most compatible but does one need to use the console to get the menu to come up? The mod page doesn't make it very clear. And is it compatible with all DLCs WITHOUT using the beta version?


I'm concerned because UFO seems outdated and I've never used Amazing Tweaks.


Input please! I know this topic has come up before but I'd like a recent update. :smile:

Edited by Redlost
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I have all DLCs, Convenient Horses, and use AFT without any issues. Followers, in the very rare times I have one, get their horses and everything without any issues.

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One thing I like about UFO is that you get "shouts" to command your followers.


This is neat to me.



But I dislike the fact that they take away the "protected" system of the follower that Vanilla skyrim has.



In UFO, you only get to choose between 2 options:

- Your follower never dies, ever....

- Your follower dies as soon as he hits 0 hp. Regardless of who caused the damage.



In vanilla, your follower died only if YOU gave the final blow... I liked it more that way.






AFT is amazing because it gives a series of options on what to do with the followers.


But I wish it had shout commands, though....


I really miss it.

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UFO has a lot of 'neat' feature, but it's super glitchy, finicky, and has lots of weird compatibility problems. AFT works with damn near every other mod out there, does pretty much everything you could want in a follower mod, and I have never experienced any game breaking glitches form it.


UFO on the other hand usually can't go more then 10 hours in game without coming up with some totally game breaking glitch. For example, once I had all my followers get stuck in an invisible bubble... they would walk ten feet in one direction or the other but would not leave the bubble no matter what I did. I had to uninstall UFO to fix it. I've also had followers randomly leave my services, randomly start attacking me from no where, and then totally disappear during fast travel. The only glitch I ever had with AFT was one of my followers just REFUSED to wear clothes for some reason. o_o all I had to do was tell him to leave and re-add him as a follower though.


If you really like the idea of sending followers commands use "Nature of the beast 2" this is a pretty neat mod, though I personally stopped using it do to it being overly complex and adding to many spells (in my opinion) but if you are really serious about having several followers and giving detailed commands to them, and even to different groups and such, it is very handy.



UFO is basically an abandoned MOD, AFT stays up to date. This is the single reason everyone says avoid UFO, because skyrim changes a LOT from update to update, and UFO has not been updated to work with the newest skyrim versions, or the mods updated to work with the new skyrim version. I have had my fingers cross UFO gets picked back up, as I never even got a chance to try it in it's prime. =[ It does look really cool, which is why I gave it several shots.

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I have been wondering about this particular thing for a while as well. Which is more preferred.


I currently use UFO, but noticed most people don't recommend it.


I used to use UFO, but given I rarely use followers, having the ability to hire hundreds is rather pointless for me. All that I really wanted was to make the followers essential (or not), and be able to change their outfits. AFT and I think EFF are also compatible with unique followers like Hoth etc., whereas UFO is not. Plus, UFO hasn't been updated in a very long time.

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well ufo has been updated by vamian but my pc broke so i cant test it..i like those "shouts" that give a order to all followers comand your followers.

i havent tested aft because it seems too complex for my taste

but i have to agree ufo was very buggy but it seems vamian is fixing it

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If somebody could make a mod that allowed me to order followers to "stop" or "follow" without needing to run up to them, I'd be happy.

So far, I only know of UFO having this feature. (But I don't use UFO for the reasons people already said here)

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