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Far Cry

Drop Weapon


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Call me crazy, but I've always been the type of player who didn't like to be able to carry around unrealistic amounts of equipment. I'd like to be able to travel light, maybe with a couple pistols and a bow, and keep my final weapon slot empty, so that were I to enter into a firefight I could pick up a pirate AK, kill all the baddies, drop the weapon and move on. I just like the idea of always having an empty weapon slot. I've always find the the ability to lug around four large weapons to be a bit of an immersion breaker.I like the idea of procuring weapons in combat, and doing this every time.


Some may not see the appeal, but even though I know little about modding, it couldn't be that hard. A simple key binding like in Crysis.


Maybe there already is a way of doing it, I'll have to look around, but I'll post this here regardless.



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