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Convert Serval Preset from Oldrim to SE/AE?


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On SE there is only a the serval khajiit race for racemenu, but no conversion for the serval khajiit preset for khajiit race itself. Can anyone convert this? Reason why I;m asking is because the serval race feels incomplete, as it doesn't have all of the attributes the khajiit race has, like ebing able to eat raw food, and none of my khajiit based ods apply to the serval race either, only to the khajiit race.


Oldrim preset I'm talking about: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91882


Thank you!


(Also, please don't just comment on this to tell me that I can "easily do it myself," if that were the case, I wouldn't be here asking.)


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