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Passive detection mod


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So, not long ago, I had this idea for a mod. I used the GECK to try and make something that made the "Hidden" "Caution" and "Danger" messages stick on the screen for 10 minutes longer. Anybody knows how to do it?
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  • 1 year later...

I would like to bump this idea.


I'm along the same line of thinking, but with some additions.


1) Always On. I would like to see it present on the screen at all times, regardless of whether I'm jumping, sneaking/crouching, or standing.


2) Colors. Regardless of the HUD colors that we choose, I would like to have it display a green HIDDEN, yellow VISABLE, orange CAUTION, and red DANGER. As for the DETECTED triggers for freindly contacts, they could be tied to the current state we are in, green DETECTED if sneaking, yellow DETECTED if not. The CAUTION state is still useful when standing or sneaking, because we enter the CAUTION state once we have exited immediate combat situations (like if you duck into a house while being pursued by hostile units - they might enter or not).


3) Placable. Currently it is located at the top center of the HUD, but I would more prefer it to be at the bottom center myself. Others might feel different.


Ideas? Is it even possible? I'm in my infancy as far as scripting, and although I've seen some things done with the HUD itself, I don't know where to start to manipulate the values for these items.



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I remember seeing an article regarding the ability to assign "levels of detection" somewhere via scripting, but can I find it now? of course not...


I'm going to go ask Darn if he thinks this is possible. As the UI expert (IMHO), he would surely have at least an idea if this might be feesible or not. :)



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I talked to DarN, and he pointed me in the right direction. I'll look into this and see what can (or cannot) be done and update once I know more.


Unfortuantely, I am neither fast nor highly talented in the art of UI manipulation, but I am never affraid to tinker around and screw up my own games for the benefit of all! :)



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In playing around with sounds, I discovered that I am able to detect and play back a sound or spoken phrase when I enter into the combat state (caution or danger), so some of this seems plausable at least.


It may not provide all that I hope for above, but based on what I've seen in the past and what other people like DarN have been able to accomplish through manipulating the HUD, I am confident in being able to develop at least something partially useful!! :)



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