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How do you install oblivion multiple times?


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Here is something I came up with when I wanted to have separate copies for playing and modding.


Dual Oblivion


If you want to play Oblivion with all of the mods you have, and make a mod at the same time, you will run into the problem of modding with all the other mods active. In order to be able to mod with a clean version of the game, and test your mod without any of the mods or saved games. I have created a pair of batch files that allow me to swap back and forth with a minimum of effort. You can play with SI, and a full complement of mods, then switch to Vanilla Oblivion without SI or any extra mods or saved games to test your mod.


The required disclaimer: It didn't break my game or fry my computer. However, use at your own risk. Back everything up first. I refuse to be held responsible for misprints, misspellings or your mistakes, my mistakes or anything else that goes wrong. However, I am willing to try to help you recover from them if you ask nice.


These instructions are based on the assumption that you are using WinXP and have installed Oblivion in the default location. If you have Vista, or have installed Oblivion to a different location, you may have to make some changes in the batch files to work properly with your system.


Before doing this make sure you have enough room on your hard drive for two or even three complete copies of Oblivion. (No you are not going to install 3 complete copies, this is extra space for mods, temp files, other programs and the space needed for defragging.)


First, you will need a clean install of vanilla oblivion, complete with the latest official patch as well as a second version with all of your mods and saved games and your modified Oblivion.ini. To get these, I recommend the following procedure:

Rename your C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion to "PlayOblivion"

Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\CSOblivion" "Oblivion"


Now, follow my procedure for reinstalling Oblivion - here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/TheStormRavenLibrary/topic/344290/


with the exception of renaming the original files as you have already renamed them to match the file names in my batch files.


When you finish the reinstall, you will have a clean install. I recommend making a copy of the Oblivion directory in the program files directory with a new name - something like \clean-Oblivion-data and the Oblivion directory in the documents and settings section also to something like \clean-oblivion-saves. These are to be kept unchanged as an emergency back up. If you need them do not rename them, copy them to where you need them with a new name.


Your newly installed version will become your construction set version. And it will be the currently active version. To change to the play version run the batch file to change it.


Here are my 2 batch files. You may need to modify them for your own use. Please feel free to use and modify them in any way with my full permission.



To switch to the Construction set version:

Save and name this one CS Oblivion.bat




Rem Oblivion Construction Set Game

Rem This changes to the construction set version for testing.



CD C:\


if exist CSFlag.ben goto CS rem if you are already in the CS version jump around


Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion" "PlayOblivion"

Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\CSOblivion" "Oblivion"


Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\PlayFlag.ben" "CSFlag.ben"


Rename "C:\documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion" "playOblivion"

Rename "C:\documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\My Games\CSOblivion" "Oblivion"


: CS

@echo off


Echo ****************************************************

Echo * Oblivion Construction Set Game Enabled *

Echo * *

Echo * Press any Key to continue *

Echo *****************************************************











This changes to the Version used to play with all of your mods and changes.


Save and name this one 'Play Oblivion.bat'


Rem Play Oblivion

Rem This changes the directories for playing Oblivion From the one used for testing a mod to to the one you use to play



Cd C:\


if exist playflag.ben goto Play



Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion" "CSOblivion"

Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\PlayOblivion" "Oblivion"


Rename "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\CSFlag.ben" "Playflag.ben"


Rename "C:\documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\My Games\oblivion" "CsOblivion"

Rename "C:\documents and Settings\Ben\My Documents\My Games\PlayOblivion" "Oblivion"



: Play


@echo off


Echo ***************************************

Echo * Play Oblivion Enabled *

Echo * *

Echo * Press any Key to continue *

Echo ***************************************






You will need one other small change, the 'flag' that allows the batch to know which version is currently loaded.


create a text file in the Bethesda Softworks folder and name it CSFlag.ben Then copy the following into it.

Playflag - a dummy program used only for its name. save it and be sure it has the name csflag.ben

If the name is Playflag then you are running the version of Oblivion you use to play the game.

If the name is CSflag you are using the clean version used for testing your Mod.



After creating and saving the 2 batch files, make a shortcut to each one and place it on your desktop. (or wherever you run Oblivion from) then just select the one you need to make the change. It will run in a window and let you know if it made the change successfully. If you choose the wrong one, it will not make any changes and will leave a message in the window to let you know which version is active. - That's what the flag is for.


If you use OBMM, you can probably add a line to rename 2 different copies to go along with each copy of Oblivion.


If you have any problems or suggestions to make this simpler, please let me know.

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