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ESO or any Online Game, how does it work


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But that, kleinstaff, is you not liking MMOs. It got nothing to do with how ESO is a TES game in every sense of the word.


ESO is a TES game. It is in Tamriel. It contains lore, it contains stories. You meet known characters. You fight known enemies. You see familiar landmarks. You see familiar races.

Don't flap lies around that.


ESO is NOT a open-sandbox-game.

ESO is NOT a graphic-masterwork.

ESO is NOT a singleplayer game.

ESO is a MMO.


You level up.

You progress.

You grind.

You get gear.

You raid.

You PvP.

You turn the graphic to minimum to perform better.


TES single player games and ESO are two different worlds. HOWEVER, they are two worlds in the same book.

If you expect an improved Skyrim, then you will be disappointed.

If you expect a story-filled adventure with a community, then you will be surprised.


I say: Give it a chance. It wont hurt you to try. When you buy the game you most likely get a month free. Use that to test it. Problem solved.

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You get left behind by the players you became friends with and all that. They've moved on and you're forced to look for new ones or go solo, and going solo in an MMO is boring. And sometimes it's difficult to find competent party companions. I'm not saying it's bad about an MMO that you get left behind. Life sucks some times lol. I just meant that it's a turn off for some. I find it more enjoyable to end a game with the characters you started off with. Although I do realize that building more stable friendships in MMO are easier as you near the level cap, since those are the toons you use in regular guild meetings and raids which happen what, once a week or month. It's the part before reaching that is what's annoying for me. I go through so many parties of people of varying styles or competencies. While my previous friends are all playing together because they have progressed together. That's what I find great in MMOs though, when you have a group of friends who play together and progress together. That was my experience in WoW, and it's much more enjoyable that way (we were real life classmates who made toons at the same time)

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But that, kleinstaff, is you not liking MMOs. It got nothing to do with how ESO is a TES game in every sense of the word.


ESO is a TES game. It is in Tamriel. It contains lore, it contains stories. You meet known characters. You fight known enemies. You see familiar landmarks. You see familiar races.

Don't flap lies around that.


ESO is NOT a open-sandbox-game.

ESO is NOT a graphic-masterwork.

ESO is NOT a singleplayer game.

ESO is a MMO.


You level up.

You progress.

You grind.

You get gear.

You raid.

You PvP.

You turn the graphic to minimum to perform better.


TES single player games and ESO are two different worlds. HOWEVER, they are two worlds in the same book.

If you expect an improved Skyrim, then you will be disappointed.

If you expect a story-filled adventure with a community, then you will be surprised.


I say: Give it a chance. It wont hurt you to try. When you buy the game you most likely get a month free. Use that to test it. Problem solved.

ooh i do like MMO s i just do not like the endless grinding most of them offer

and lets be honest if you can choose between a 60 man raid



or a 3000 player battle



i take the second one

but each their own choices

and yes i was there so you probably understand my resent ment to themepark MMO s

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You get left behind by the players you became friends with and all that. They've moved on and you're forced to look for new ones or go solo, and going solo in an MMO is boring. And sometimes it's difficult to find competent party companions. I'm not saying it's bad about an MMO that you get left behind. Life sucks some times lol. I just meant that it's a turn off for some. I find it more enjoyable to end a game with the characters you started off with. Although I do realize that building more stable friendships in MMO are easier as you near the level cap, since those are the toons you use in regular guild meetings and raids which happen what, once a week or month. It's the part before reaching that is what's annoying for me. I go through so many parties of people of varying styles or competencies. While my previous friends are all playing together because they have progressed together. That's what I find great in MMOs though, when you have a group of friends who play together and progress together. That was my experience in WoW, and it's much more enjoyable that way (we were real life classmates who made toons at the same time)


If you get "friends" that leave you behind, I suggest choosing friends better. At least I got a core of friends in MMOs. If I went back to WoW today, for instance, I would have a easy time once I hit level cap. I got 9 people that would carry me through whatever content there is, just so we all can progress together.

They are rare to find, but they do exist.


And a MMO is build up in 2 phases: Levelling and endgame. Most MMOs focus on endgame. If we take WoW as an example:

Yes, you will be left behind if you take a vecation for 2 weeks at level 32. Since by the time you are back everybody else is level 90. However, this does not slow you down in any way, shape or form. If they are good friends, they will help you. If not, you make new friends and keep going.


But, again, it's all about perspective. MMOs are good for what they do. If you want to achieve, and progress, you will. How fast depends on you. If you want to enjoy it with friends, there are no barrier stopping you.




and lets be honest if you can choose between a 60 man raid


I'd take a 10 man raid, or a 40 man raid, over anything. That means that your decisions got a outcome in the battle, and that your skills can tip the favor. That said, what does that have to do ANYTHING with the current discussion about MMOs, ESO and TES? o.O


i just do not like the endless grinding most of them offer


That is what MMOs are?...

You PROGRESS: Progressing takes time. Time you spend grinding.

You say you like MMOs, but dislike grinding. That is like saying I like food, but hate eating.

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I personally am going to pass the game up till it goes free to play. I don't feel like spending a box price and a monthly fee on top of that. I think it was a mistake for them to choose that payment model. Buy to play really would have been the best choice in my opinion.


Anyone who says it isn't a real TES game is lying through their teeth. Even if it isn't made by Bethesda, it's made by the parent company Zenimax which owns Bethesda. Same company, different developer team is all. However, Zenimax is working with the Bethesda team to make sure lore is correct.


Some people on here really need to get their facts straight lol. No one bought licenses or any of that lol. Again, Zenimax owns Bethesda. It's still the same company making it.


MMO games are fun. However, they tend to be very different because it is much harder to be immersed in it. Different crowd really.


I think the game will be good though, just probably not as good as the single player games.

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Anyone who says it isn't a real TES game is lying through their teeth. Even if it isn't made by Bethesda, it's made by the parent company Zenimax which owns Bethesda. Same company, different developer team is all. However, Zenimax is working with the Bethesda team to make sure lore is correct.



I think the game will be good though, just probably not as good as the single player games.

it is not a TES game it is dark age of camelot II with better graphics and different gamemechanics

they market it as a TES game because the original DaoC failed and they know many of the TES fans will buy anything with TES name stamped on it

It doesn't even feel lije you are in the Elderscrolls universe and it certainly is NOT a open ended sandbox full of exploration and discovery like the people of zenimax like to tell you it is just NOT contrary with all the restrictions placed on your character it is just not

tou are so restricted in what you can do and go to that it pretty much going to end is a mindless grind just so you can hopefully join the big boys in doing .....what ? make some nerd metagammer who is living in hos motyher basement and divides his time between playing game and watching ( censored) emperor


quest are repetitive and somehow feel wrong exploration well if you see a large group of people wandering around some cave entrance you know they waiting their turn to get in and do that quest

and running into that invisible wall because you are entering another faction land , really great for immersion really it is

and if you finaly come to the pvp part

my youngest daughter hello litty online has more and better hardcore pvp than ESO

even WoW s arena fights are more dynamic than whats in ESO



the game will fail and probably go F2p within 6 months and that is me being genrous

They had the chance to create something spectaculair new in the already overcrowded world of MMOs iinstead they made a carboncopy of something that has been done before many times before and hoping that the franchise alone will help them pay back the investors


12 mil copies sold of skyrim alone you wouuld think that is a great audience for a true multiplayer elderscrolls but no we want WoW subscribers so just make ANOTHER WoW clone

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Klein, I believe you are mentally challenged.

YET AGAIN you say the same thing. Here goes:

You are saying you don't like MMOs, and how ESO is a MMO. NOT that ESO is a TES game. They are TWO different things.


Stop being a fanboy, and get out of here.

ESO is a TES game. In EVERY way possible.

It is not a sandbox game. But if you expected that, it is your fault -- nobody else.


Geez, you are starting to annoy me. It's like you prop a finger in your ear and yell "lalalalal Can't hear you! lalala!".

If you don't like MMOs - fine. Go away. And no, you don't. Everything you say is how you hate what MMOs are.

But don't lie about it. Go whine on some other forums about how sad it is.


If you expected TES6, then wait for TES6. This is not that game, and was never meant to be.

Did you do any research at all?

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ESO is set like 1000 years before Skyrim, so as to not interfere with the lore too much, as well as already having lore in place for the campaigns to follow. So it may not really feel like the usual TES game. Plus, in ESO, you are not the prophecied hero, because the setting does not call for that. You are a soldier in one of the armies vying for control of Tamriel.


I have to agree with Matt though, i don't know where you are getting this 'It's not a TES game', but it is. It's using the same lore and happens in the same universe. Your statement is like saying Zayne Carrick's adventures in Knights of the Jedi wasn't a Star Wars story because he wasn't fighting any Sith. Sorry, but it is set in the TES universe, thus it is a TES game. Mechanics isn't what defines a game's part in a franchise, it's the lore. It's not feeling like a traditional TES game because it's an MMO, not a single player game, so obviously it's different.


Plus, they didn't say they were not making TES6, they still are. But as always, it takes years.


On a side note, I wonder where you are getting this 'it's a carbon copy' thing. It's not. For example, if game mechanics is different, how is it DoC2? Even the lore is different. TES is known for it's immersive nature. They simply want to try it out on an MMO.

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