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RE4 Opponents


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Will it be illegal or anything to incoporate resident evil 4's enemies in FO3?


I see great potential for some of them to be in fallout 3. The El Gigante, Verdugo (Black predator-like boss) and those regenerators (things that you have to use infra-red to spot the parasites on the bodies to actually kill them) and lastly those Garradors which wield the long blades and is blind.

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Public requests like this is illegal, its called porting.


However even though it is discouraged, you can do it yourself as long as you don't release it.


Now you gonna say "GREAT! How do I do it?", right? We can't tell you, the models are the wrong format, you would need to recreate them, and even with that said, its hard and I really can't say more than that otherwise, you know I'm breaking the law!

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