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MECs Expanded


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I'm probably not the only one, but I find the addition of the Mechanized Exoskeleton Cybersuit extremely enjoyable. MECs add a dimension to the game that finally levels the playing field against the alien invaders in your favor. A MEC-3 Paladin with the right pilot outclass the Alien mechsuits, and really only start to need help when facing down a Sectopod 1v1.


I am very close to having a full squad of MECs, I currently have 4 MEC-3s and 1 MEC-2. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of options when it comes down to it. All my MECs have the same weapons and the auxiliary systems for the most part.


I want MECs to be as varied as the squaddies they come from. I want a specialized mech sniper rifle, sniper MEC specific abilities and so forth. A Heavy MEC that utilizes an extremely large bore slug weapon, like the mechs from Avatar, capable of suppression and Heavy specific abilities. Mech supports that can heal and move about farther than most, something more effective than the healing mist, and why not smoke launchers? Assault MECs, fast movers that have larger versions of the alloy cannon, lightning reflexes and built in arc-throwers.


More weapons, more abilities, more fun. Upgrades to the flamethrower to make it go farther. Add a sword module to the kinetic fist. Allow the MECs equipment slots that add MEC-specific items and that also appear on the model.


But don't let it be one sided, allow aliens to also beef up their own mechsuits as time goes on.


If I had the mind for modding, I would shoot for this, but because I don't, I'll just be running around, punching Ethereals through the space ship walls.

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