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Updated Mods Question: What Happens?


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We noticed some of our downloaded mods have since been updated.


Do we download the newest version in order to update them?


[This may also be a Vortex (which we use) question.]


We do not see an "update" feature at Nexus for the Mod-pages in question.


Thanks, for tips.



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Ideally, if vortex displays the update button, I'd recommend that **after ensuring that the mod's default download choice matches your game and SKSE versions**, you use it, rather than going to nexus to initiate the update from there, to avoid any possibility of vortex becoming confused and not automatically shutting down the old version after installing the new.


Otherwise, it's possible that you end up having to deal with an overwrite contention between the two versions, (not a "big" deal on its own), but not just the immediate vortex "which one like goes first?!", but also potential problems when you go to uninstall the older version (that vortex failed to disable or uninstall, thinking it is a different mod), which at least for me, has resulted in the loss of files or settings shared between the versions, during the old-version-uninstallation, on several occasions leading to the new mod not working as expected.


(and yes, I know many newer mods handle the multiple versions without issue, but not all do, hence the suggestion that you check before using the update button, since they m ay promote a mod version unsuitable for your game. ex: USSEP is showing n update button. If I were to click it, it'd install the latest USSEP for 1.6x, which would break my old 1.5.97 game thoroughly... and there are several others too... In each case, I've modified their titles to include a "DO NOT UPDATE!!!! warning to help me avoid the "oh, update available, let's click it blindly" syndrome).

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If you use vortex, it's going to be opened automatically anyway (if not already) during the nexus install transaction...


But yes, you can download to file archive, then install from file (whether vortex is logged in or not). But like I noted, it can result in competing versions and at least a potential for deleting shared files upon subsequent removal of the unused version, so be forewarned.


Don't get me wrong, I still manually download mods and locally archive them, if for no other reason than to make sure it's not gone from the web next time I have to uninstall it, then need/want to reinstall it later. (ex: almost lost a tree replacer for the rift that I've become accustomed to, since it was removed from the net entirely by its author about 2 years ago. I fortunately archived it for personal use).

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Yep, those settings are often 'hiding in plain sight'. Since Vortex has so many features, to me they can sort of blend into the background, at least until something bites you. I think I pretty much disabled both of those when I first started with Vortex, along with enabling the FNIS animations update.

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