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Soldiers take turns shooting on overwatch?


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Is it possible to modify the game so that when multiple soldiers take shots on overwatch, they take turns shooting? It has driven me crazy many times to have all 6 soldiers shoot and vaporize the first chryssalid while the next one just walks right up and attacks the closest soldier.

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Hmm .. I Dont Think Its Possible, Reaction Shots Are Hard Coded To React On The First Alien They Saw ...


So No Matter How Many Aliens There Are Moving , Ur Reaction Shots Always Trigger On The First Alien That Started Movement In Their Sight Radius


How Ever If U Place Ur Solders In Groups Away From Eachother Like First 3 Members Take Overwatch And Then The Next Members Take Position A Bit Father Behind, It Will Help

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Actually I think it is very likely that somewhere in XComGame is a reference to some kind of "sight radius/reaction radius" from ini-file for each weapon.

And with some luck it may be possible to either add a check against a variable to see if a friendly has already fired and in that case avoid triggering overwatch shot, or add/remove a small random distance to each check...


But I haven't really looked so it is only a guess right now :)

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They Are In DGC.ini


But So Far Weapon Range Only Effects Its Accuracy ... Weapon With Low Range Lets Say 10 Like Shot Gun Tend To Lose Its Accuracy Rapidly After 10 Range, But Still Able To Fire


If U Can See This


AIM_CLIMB = 3.0f


These settings affect aim bonuses or penalties when attacking an enemy within CLOSE_RANGE. This aim bonus is calculated using the following:


([CLOSE_RANGE]-[Distance from Enemy]) X [AIM_CLIMB] == [Aim Bonus] An example would be a soldier with a base aim of 65 attacking a flanked sectoid from 10 blocks away: (14-10) X 3 == 12%. Add this to the soldiers base aim of 65% for a final hit chance of 77%.


CLOSE_RANGE : The distance at which an enemy is considered to be in "Close Range" and thus obtains aim bonuses or penalties. (Default is 14 grid blocks)

ASSAULT_LONG_RANGE_MAX_PENALTY : The maximum penalty an assault weapon can receive at any distance. It can never drop beyond this value. (Default is 40%)

AIM_CLIMB : The aim bonus in percent that non sniper/assault weapons receive when in CLOSE_RANGE, per grid block. (Default is 3% per grid block)

ASSAULT_AIM_CLIMB : The aim bonus in percent that assault class weapons receive when in CLOSE_RANGE, per grid block. (Default is 4% per grid block)

SNIPER_AIM_FALL : The aim penalty in percent that sniper class weapons receive when in CLOSE_RANGE, per grid block. (Default is -2% per grid block)

Edited by srujanteja
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Wow .. That's Wayyy Longer Than I Expected Lol :ohmy: .. Pardon Me D: I Dunno How To Cut It Short And Make It Small (Fail :pinch: )


For More Info Its Better If U Visit This Site http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/DefaultGameCore.ini_settings_-_XCOM:EU_2012


Reaction Range For Weapons Is -1 By Default Which is Infinite As Long As They Can See


Maybe We Can Tweak That And Try ... U Might Get Some Results But Last Time I Messed Up With Those Ranges I Noticed Nothing New. The Game Just Played Normal.

Edited by srujanteja
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