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Age of Empires III Revealed


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Yeah, but having looked at the picture a second time, it has to be a cutscene. Look at the size of the city, it goes all the way to the horizon.

In comparrison to the men, If you got attacked from the north, I'd hat to get attacked from the south.



The foreground of the screenshot is just about believable for in-game, but the background: no way. It looks like they've photoshopped it in there for effect.


Why is it not believable? The city is obviously fairly low poly with lots of textured detail. And only the closer buildings are actual models. The city all the way to the horizon is just an environment map, a city texture applied to a sphere around the map. That's an ancient cheat for "long view distances".


If anything, that screenshot is a bit unimpressive. It looks decent, but nothing amazing. I hope it's not from a cutscene, because that's pretty pathetic quality if it is.

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Screenshots edited by photoshop to add some effects that make the screenshots just 'waaw'? Allmost every game m8. World of Warcraft, SWG, Mafia, etc etc etc... They edit the screens to give the illusion they actually come out of the game but the screens are rarely the originals. Mostly it are light effects, graphics which are given more details. They say the HL² screens are original cant say if not or if they are, havnt played HL² yet.


Where are you getting this crock of crap? Are you one of these people who believes the moon landings didn't happen?

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Why is it not believable? The city is obviously fairly low poly with lots of textured detail. And only the closer buildings are actual models. The city all the way to the horizon is just an environment map, a city texture applied to a sphere around the map. That's an ancient cheat for "long view distances".



Okay, but if it was an actual picture from the game, it only deters me from getting it. Who wants to spend the entire day maneouvring troops around the city. These troops better have some good AI or "pathfinding" as they called it in the first game.


If anything, that screenshot is a bit unimpressive. It looks decent, but nothing amazing. I hope it's not from a cutscene, because that's pretty pathetic quality if it is.


Whats wrong with that? It means I can keep using my dodgy videocard.

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Whats wrong with that? It means I can keep using my dodgy videocard.


Because cutscenes are supposed to be pre-rendered and just played as a movie file (therefore having near-zero hardware requirements). "Cutscenes" done with the game engine inevitably look much worse, and that screenshot is just more of the same.

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Yes, most likely a cutscene. Having had to look at the picture a THIRD time (someone is going to get it if this is not an actual screenshot), in how many of the age of empires games were you able to see the sky?


to my count, none, because you were the thing in the sky directing them, but as Dark0ne said before, perhaps a great zoom in feature?

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Well, the older Age of Empires games were all purely 2d, with no ability to rotate the camera. So it's not a surprise you couldn't ever see the sky, but that's a problem with the age of the former engine, not a gameplay feature.
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For the last time:


From the OFFICIAL WEBSITE, I present to you this screen capture:


Notice it says "Actual in-game screenshot." If it's a screenshot, that means it comes from the game. If it's in-game, that means it's been taken directly from the playable game version and produced.


There's no way to edit a screen capture directly in-game, so doing so outside of the game would constitue the screenshot being out-of-game; thus contradicting the fact that it's in-game.


Plus, you forget that this is Microsoft. Even if the background is composed of actual meshes and textures, rather than just textures, these people are running extremely high-end, extremely powerful uber-machines. So it's entirely possible that while this is in-game, it won't be able to be portrayed like this on our home computers.


But it's still an unedited, in-game screen.

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