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Body replacers not working at all


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Hello. I am running a Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY on Windows 7. I cannot get any of the female body replacers to work. I have tried several including exnem and dimonized type 3. I have also tried using the type 3 V raider skins mod. I do not have the game installed in the program files directory. I have been using FOMM. I have archiveinvalidation invalidated running. The files are in the fallout 3 goty\data directory. I have been reading the posts and trying to fix the problem for days. No matter what I do the females are still wearing underwear (my tests have been the female raiders in the schoolhouse just after you leave vault 101). I have even uninstalled and reinstalled the game and added the mods again. Please help! It is probably something stupid that I am doing but I am at a complete loss.

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Make sure you're selecting the nude option, then download the files of your chosen body mod manually. Open the file and inspect the structure of the folders, double check that when you drag and drop the files into data that they go to the right places. Check your archive invalidation and then go ahead back into the game to check your files.


Usually I find the easiest way to check a body mod is to create a character in that sex, strip them naked, get into 3rd person view and save. That way it's just a quick pop in and out of game to see if the files are working properly.

Edited by Oubliette
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Mindshaker13 - Hello!

"I have tried several including exnem and dimonized type 3"

Well Type 3 has an easy to use installer that works with your mod manager (FOMM or NMM) that makes installation easy.


One of the AIO packs, depending on which mod manager you use, is all you need from there.

That installer will ensure all the needed body meshes & texture are placed properly.

The vanilla armor replacers are here:


"No matter what I do the females are still wearing underwear "

The "Brown panty bug". :)

Caused by a modded body mesh using the default textures. It's normally caused by not taking care of archive invalidation.

Since you've mentioned you're using it, check that you are not using the stand alone ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated:


AND the built in one in your mod manager.

Only ever use one or the other or they can cancel each other out.

If you are using the built in FOMM or NMM archive invalidation then it often needs to be turned off & then back on AFTER installing a new mod with textures.

"my tests have been the female raiders in the schoolhouse just after you leave vault 101"

Are normal NPC females also affected?

If it's just some Raider females & you use MMM then it's because MMM adds extra Raider females for which you'll need a patch.

For Type 3 the MMM patch is here:


There are other Raider female MMM patches for some of the other body mods too.

Hope this helps!


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Oubliette and Prensa, thank you for your help. After following the steps Prensa gave me it is finally working. I reinstalled the mod files from the link you gave me. I am not sure what the exact problem was but I had never tried to use the invalidation from the FOMM. I turned off the archiveinvalidation invalidated and tried to use the one in the FOMM and it seems to be woking now. Thank you so much! I have also been trying to get the animated prostitution mod installed but it causes the game to crash at the startup screen every time it is loaded. Any ideas?

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Mindshaker13 - Hello!

"it is finally working"

Happy to have helped! :)

"I have also been trying to get the animated prostitution mod installed but it causes the game to crash at the startup screen every time it is loaded. Any ideas?"

Crash on startup of modded Fallout 3 is almost always due to a missing master, in other words you're using an .esp without another file that it needs.

In your mod manager you can left click on each of the plugins & their Masters will be listed at the bottom.

You must have all the Masters listed or else using that plugin will crash the game on start up.

For example if one of those mods require CALIBR & you do not have it the game will crash on start up.

Since you know the cause to be Animated Prostitution mod you should check those plugins in your mod manager.

For instance Animy_prostitution.esm requires Fallout3.esm (obviously :) ) AND CrossModData.esm.

Hope this helps!


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I have Fallout3.esm loaded first, then CrossModData.esm. Animy_prostitution.esm is the last .esm to load. All .esm files load before the .esp files. The game still crashes at startup. I have even used the boss program to reorganize the load order with no effect. I have found several mods that do the same thing. It may be a Windows 7 issue. I don't know. It is not a big deal. I am having fun with the game as it is now. I just thought the animated prostitution mod would be fun to try. Thanks again for all your help.

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