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Alt Fawkes


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forgive me if i'm wrong, but i thought i heard somewhere that Fawkes used to be a female before she/it became a mutant, i also KNOW i read in a terminal ingame about the mutants and discovered that Fawkes was basically the successful end product they were trying to make the supermutants into. so i thought it would be cool if there was a mod that made Fawkes, being a success, into an ordinary, hopefully good looking, female that just so happens to have insanely good stats. the character edit would probably be the easy part, the hard parts would be (a) the voice acting, alot of Fawkes lines would have to be revoiced with a good female voice, and (b) making a good face for her, due to the fact that i have yet to see one out there that looked REALLY good, except for ones in demonstrational pics for non-char/companion mods, and ones i made with alot of work.


could this be done, would anyone do it?

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